Devendra Banhart: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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Eilutė 5:
*''[[The Charles C. Leary]]'' ([[Hinah]], [[2002 in music|2002]])
*''[[Oh Me Oh My|Oh Me Oh My... The Way Thethe Day Goes By Thethe Sun Is Setting Dogs Are Dreaming Lovesongs Ofof Thethe Christmas Spirit]]'' ([[Young God]], [[2002]])
*''[[The Black Babies]]'' (UK EP) ([[Young God]], [[2003]])
*''[[RejoicingThe in theBlack HandsBabies]]'' ([[UK EP) (Young God]], [[20042003 in music|2003]])
*''[[NiñoRejoicing Rojoin the Hands]]'' ([[Young God]], [[2004 in music|2004]]) FRA#157
*''[[CrippleNiño CrowRojo]]'' ([[XLYoung Recordings]]God, [[2005]]2004) FRA#166
*''[[Cripple Crow]]'' ([[XL Recordings]], [[2005 in music|2005]]) FRA#42
*''[[Devendra Banhart/Jana Hunter]]'' ([[Troubleman Unlimited]], 2005)<!--#153 of what?-->
*''[[Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon]]'' (XL Recordings,)