Išprievartavimas: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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Eilutė 1:
[[File:Rape of Prosepina September 2015-3a.jpg|thumb|250px|''[[The Rape of Proserpina]]'' by [[Gian Lorenzo Bernini]], 1621–22, at the [[Galleria Borghese]] in [[Rome]]]]
[[File:Comprehensive Scale of Rape (2018) - LRW-SCALE-11.svg|thumb|250px|A map of the world showing a composite index about rape of women in 2018, data by [[WomanStats Project]]. {{legend|#ffffff|Rape is not a major problem in this society}}
{{legend|#fef0d9|Rape is a problem in this society}}
{{legend|#fdcc8a|Rape is a significant problem in this society}}