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Rescuing 1 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.8.5
Eilutė 39:
}}</ref> ir tiki, kad protingas Visatos kūrėjas yra [[krikščionybė|krikščioniškasis]] Dievas.<ref name="KvD26">“the writings of leading ID proponents reveal that the designer postulated by their argument is the God of Christianity“. Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, 04 cv 2688 (December 20, 2005)</ref>
Protingo sumanymo šalininkai įrodinėja, kad tai yra mokslinė teorija ir siekia fundamentaliai pakeisti mokslą, priverčiant jį pripažinti antgamtines jėgas. Mokslinėje bendruomenėje priimtas [[konsensusas]], kad tai nėra mokslas.<ref name="unscientific">See: 1) List of scientific societies explicitly rejecting intelligent design]2) Kitzmiller v. Dover page 83. 3) The Discovery Institute’s A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism petition begun in 2001 has been signed by „over 700 scientists“ as of August 20, 2006. A four day A Scientific Support for Darwinism petition gained 7733 signatories from scientists opposing ID. The AAAS, the largest association of scientists in the U.S., has 120,000 members, and [ firmly rejects ID] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2002-11-13 }}. More than 70,000 Australian scientists and educators [ condemn teaching of intelligent design in school science classes] [ List of statements from scientific professional organizations] on the status intelligent design and other forms of creationism. According to ''[[The New York Times]]'' „There is no credible scientific challenge to the theory of evolution as an explanation for the complexity and diversity of life on earth“. {{cite news