Dungeons & Dragons: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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Eilutė 19:
'''„Požemiai ir slibinai“''' ({{en|Dungeons & Dragons}}) – 1974 m. sukurtas [[stalo vaidmenų žaidimas]], padėjęs pagrindą visai industrijai.<ref name=":2">{{Cite magazine|url=https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-tangled-cultural-roots-of-dungeons-dragons|title=The Tangled Cultural Roots of Dungeons & Dragons|last=Michaud|first=Jon|date=November 2, 2015|magazine=[[New Yorker]]|access-date=February 25, 2020}}</ref>
''D&D'' departs from traditional [[wargame|wargaming]] by allowing each player to create their own [[Player character|character]] to play instead of a [[military formation]]. These characters embark upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. A [[Dungeon Master]] (DM) serves as the game's referee and storyteller, while maintaining the setting in which the adventures occur, and playing the role of the inhabitants of the game world. The characters form a [[Party (role-playing games)|party]] and they interact with the setting's inhabitants and each other. Together they solve dilemmas, engage in battles, explore, and gather treasure and knowledge. In the process, the characters earn [[experience point]]s (XP) in order to rise in levels, and become increasingly powerful over a series of separate gaming sessions.<ref>{{Cite magazine |url=https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-uncanny-resurrection-of-dungeons-and-dragons |title=The Uncanny Resurrection of Dungeons & Dragons|last=Jahromi|first=Neima|date=October 24, 2017|magazine=[[New Yorker]]|access-date=February 25, 2020}}</ref>
„Požemiuose ir slibinuose“ didžiąją laiko dalį veikėjas praleidžia mušdamas baisius monstrus, taip pelnydamas taškus, kurie leidžia žaidėjui pasiekti naują lygį ir monstrus pliekti dar efektyviau. Istorija, pasakojimas šio proceso metu lieka kažkur fone.<ref>{{Cite web|title=Gyvenimas su dešimtbriauniu kauliuku: vaidmenų žaidimai|url=https://www.vz.lt/titulinis/2015/12/26/gyvenimas-su-desimtbriauniu-kauliuku-vaidmenu-zaidimai|access-date=2021-11-27|website=[[Verslo klasė]]}}</ref>