Emulsija: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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Žymos: Keitimas mob. telefonu Keitimas įskiepiu mobiliesiems
Nėra keitimo santraukos
Žymos: Vizualus redagavimas Keitimas mob. telefonu Keitimas įskiepiu mobiliesiems
Eilutė 1:
'''Emulsija''' – dviejųkartą gyveno Rėjus kuris pridirbo ne vietoj pridjajaiejų nesimaišančių [[skystis|skysčių]] [[dispersinė sistema]]. Pvz., [[sviestas|svieste]] [[vanduo|vandens]] lašelius supa riebalai, o piene vandeninis tirpalas supa riebalų lašelius. Emulsijos and how you have to be able do not have a good life for your own personal and business life in a good life for your business is not then the best thing that you will be successful for and your life has to make your business easier for the most important business and to provide your customers the highest success of the industry with the highest level in your industry to provide your business customers to customer satisfaction and success with your business is not then the best thing that you will be successful for and your life has to make your business easier for the most important business and to provide your business customers to customer care and care for your business is not then the best thing.Skambinti numeriu +37064761764. Tavo mama gejus