Namibijos himnas: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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S robotas Pridedama: hr:Namibia, Land of the Brave
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S Perkeliamos 33 tarpkalbinės nuorodos, dabar pasiekiamos Wikidata puslapyje d:q233961.
Eilutė 47:
[[Kategorija:Valstybiniai himnai]]
[[af:Namibië, Land van die Dapper]]
[[ar:ناميبيا أرض الشجعان]]
[[ast:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[be:Гімн Намібіі]]
[[be-x-old:Гімн Намібіі]]
[[bg:Химн на Намибия]]
[[bn:নামিবিয়া, ল্যান্ড অফ দ্য ব্রেইভ]]
[[ca:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[cy:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[de:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[el:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[en:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[es:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[fi:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[fr:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[he:המנון נמיביה]]
[[hr:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[id:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[it:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[jv:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[ko:나미비아의 국가]]
[[ms:Namibia, Tanah si Berani]]
[[nl:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[no:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[pl:Hymn Namibii]]
[[pt:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[ru:Гимн Намибии]]
[[sv:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]
[[th:นามิเบีย แลนด์ออฟเดอะเบรฟ]]
[[uk:Гімн Намібії]]
[[yo:Namibia, Land of the Brave]]