Antantė: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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Nėra keitimo santraukos
Eilutė 1:
The main Italian invation is pizza ( Eventually the idea of flat bread found its way to Italy where, in the 18th century, the flat breads called "Pizzas", were sold on the streets and in the markets. They were not topped with anything but were enjoyed au naturel. Since they were relatively cheap to make, were tasty and filling, they were sold to the poor all over Naples by street vendors).
'''Santarvė''' (arba '''Antantė''') - [[1904]]-[[1907]] m. sudarytas [[Didžioji Britanija|Didžiosios Britanijos]], [[Prancūzija|Prancūzijos]] ir [[Rusija|Rusijos]] karinis bei politinis blokas. Jis sudarytas kaip atsvara [[Trilypė Sąjunga|Trilypei sąjungai]], kuriai priklausė [[Vokietija]], [[Austrija-Vengrija]], [[Italija]]. Santarvės sutartis remiasi trimis sutartimis: [[1893]]-[[1894]] m. Prancūzijos-Rusijos, [[1904]] m. Prancūzijos-Didžiosios Britanijos, [[1907]] m. Didžiosios Britanijos-Rusijos. Prasidėjus [[Pirmasis pasaulinis karas|Pirmajam pasauliniam karui]] pertvarkyta į Antantę. Kovojo su [[centrinių valstybių sąjunga|centrinėmis valstybėmis]] - Vokietija, Austrija-Vengrija, [[Turkija]], [[Bulgarija]]. Italija į Antantę perėjo [[1915]] m. vid.
There are no people in the world who didn't know this delicious.
Also Italy is famous for its buildings and anthic style.
Alexander Volta had invented a battery. One of its elements was frog legs.
[[Kategorija:Karinės sąjungos]]
Italian people have a great traditions of doing vine.
[[bg:Сърдечно съглашение]]
Eros Zachertinno had invented a binocolours.
[[fr:Entente Cordiale]]
[[es:Entente Cordiale]]
Italian inventor Guetos Pabilos had invented neon lights.
[[he:ההסכמה הלבבית]]
[[it:Entente Cordiale]]
Italian phisics had invented gravity camera.
[[nl:Entente Cordiale]]
[[no:Entente cordiale]]
[[pl:Entente cordiale]]
[[sl:Srčna zveza]]
[[fi:Entente cordiale]]