Aptarimas:Šakotis: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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Psilocin (aptarimas | indėlis)
S Naujas puslapis: バウムクーヘン is about Baumkuchen, was mentioned by one user, I was wondering if there is a big difference - it is thought that it is similar think - バウムクーヘン i...
Psilocin (aptarimas | indėlis)
SNėra keitimo santraukos
Eilutė 1:
バウムクーヘン is about Baumkuchen, was mentioned by one user, I was wondering if there is a big difference - it is thought that it is similar thinkthing - バウムクーヘン is about Baumkuchen, yes, but bankuchenas is also called šakotis :) Please share your information here, if there is a difference, or if you have more information about japanese style of baumkuchen, it is very interesting. If there is a mistake here, please let us know. You can discsuss it here. [[Naudotojas:Psilocin|Psilocin]] 15:18, 31 gegužės 2010 (EEST)
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