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Eilutė 55:
# Padshah Nama, a book written by Abdul Hamid Lahori
# Shah Jahan Nama/Amal-i-salih by Inayat Khan/Muhammad Saleh Kamboh
# Bernier, Francois, Travels in the Mogal Empire (1656-68), revised by V. A. Smith, Archibald Constable, Oford 1934.
# Tavernier, Jean Baptiste, Travels in India, trs. and ed. by V. Ball, 2 Vols. Macmillan, 1889, 1925.
# De Laet, Joannes, The Empire of the Great Mogol, trs. byHoyland and Banerjee, Bombay 1928.
# Peter Mundy. Travels of Peter Mundy in Asia, ed. R. C. Temple, Hakluyt Society, London 1914.
# Manucci, Niccolao, Storia do Mogor, Eng. trs. by W. Irvine, 4 vols. Hohn Murray, London 1906.
# Manrique, Travels of Frey Sebastian Manrique, trs. by Eckford Luard, 2 Vols. Hakluyt Society, London 1927.