Carlos Castaneda: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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S robotas Keičiama: uk:Карлос Кастанеда; smulkūs taisymai
Eilutė 35:
== Išleistos knygos ==
* ''[[The Teachings of Don Juan|The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge]]'' (1968) ISBN 0-520-21757-8.
* ''[[A Separate Reality]]: Further Conversations with Don Juan'' (1971) ISBN 0-671-73249-8.
* ''[[Journey to Ixtlan]]: The Lessons of Don Juan'' (1972) ISBN 0-671-73246-3.
* ''Tales of Power'' (1974) ISBN 0-671-73252-8.
* ''The Second Ring of Power'' (1977) ISBN 0-671-73247-1.
* ''The Eagle's Gift'' (1981) ISBN 0-671-73251-X.
* ''The Fire From Within'' (1984) ISBN 0-671-73250-1.
* ''The Power of Silence: Further Lessons of Don Juan'' (1987) ISBN 0-671-73248-X.
* ''[[The Art of Dreaming]]'' (1993) ISBN 0-06-092554-X.
* ''Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico'' (1998) ISBN 0-06-092882-4.
* ''The Active Side of Infinity'' (1999) ISBN 0-06-092960-X.
* ''The Wheel of Time: The Shamans Of Mexico'' (2000) ISBN 0-14-019604-8.
=== Į lietuvių kalbą išverstos knygos ===
Eilutė 95:
[[sv:Carlos Castaneda]]
[[tr:Carlos Castaneda]]
[[uk:Кастанеда Карлос Кастанеда]]