
Naujausias komentaras: prieš 5 metus Powermelon

Černobylis This is not a real and outdated name. This name was correct in the period of the Russian-Soviet occupation of Ukraine. Now the occupation is over so you need to use the real name. In the 21st century, Russian ocupational nicknames have the wrong--Bohdan Bondar (aptarimas) 11:00, 9 sausio 2019 (EET)Atsakyti

Čornobilis?--Makenzis (aptarimas) 11:07, 9 sausio 2019 (EET)Atsakyti
Čornòbylis. VLKK database lists both Černobylis and Čornobylis as possible names. Powermelon (aptarimas) 11:31, 9 sausio 2019 (EET)Atsakyti
Grįžti į "Černobylis" puslapį.